"Hi, my name is Jensen and today I got my braces off! When I started treatment, I had a lower space maintainer (LFL) and a headgear for a little over a year. Then I wore braces for another year, and got them off when I turned 15. The most important thing my orthodontist told me during all that time was to keep my teeth clean! I think I did a pretty good job. Here's what it's like to get your braces off at Bemidji Orthodontics!"

Removing my braces...

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I'm ready to get these off!

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My orthodontist detaches each bracket from my teeth. 

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The brackets stay attached to the wire when they are removed.  

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Some rinsing! 

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Then the bonding material is removed, upper teeth first.  

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Removing the bonding material from the lower teeth is next. 

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My braces are off !  

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Now I can see my smile !  

Getting my fixed wires to help keep my teeth in place...

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Floss holds the wire in position while the bonding material is applied.

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Ultraviolet light cures the bonding material. 

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The upper wire is in position.

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Once the wires are placed, they don't show at all!

Time for some x-rays and fabricating the retainers...

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X-rays only take a few minutes. 

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I help with the final photographs by holding the mirror.  

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Impressions are no fun but they have good flavors. I chose root beer.

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The impressions then go to the lab.  

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In the lab, the impressions are filled with plaster.  

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The impression is then separated from the plaster mold.  

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Looks good! 

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Excess plaster is trimmed away.  

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The retainer material will be vacuumed formed over the mold. 

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After the retainer is formed, the excess plastic will be trimmed off.  

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This is the trimming process. 

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My removable retainers are now in place!  

Success! What a great team!

A boy in an exam chair poses with Bemidji Orthodontics after band removal.